Declutter your home.

Simplify your life.
Let me help you simplify your life by decluttering and organising your home.
I am a member of APDO (Association of Professional Declutterers and Organisers) providing a bespoke home organising and decluttering service to help you create a home that is calm, organised and clutter free.
I provide practical, empathetic advice to help you make more effective use of your space and storage.
If you want to find out more about how I can help you simplify your life, please contact me.

I have over 20 years of work experience, have had a busy home life with 3 children and a full-time job so I understand the challenges of balancing work and family life.
I now work as a declutterer and organiser within Berkshire, Hampshire and Surrey.
I would love to help you create a home that is calm, organised and clutter free.
I have a full time job and children still at home. Over the past few years our second sitting room has become a dumping ground for things to be dropped in as we don't have time, space or motivation to organise them. Nicky has helped us declutter and organise our possessions and we can now enjoy this space. Her upbeat personality and can do attitude along with her sensitivity, kindness, patience and understanding has helped us regain a lovely room and it is having a knock on effect on the rest of our house. Thank you.


We often look in our wardrobes and have lots of clothes, but feel we have nothing to wear.
What if at a glance you could see what you have and easily find the clothes you love wearing?

I can offer suggestions regarding storage and will bring some ideas and storage containers with me in the de-cluttering stage. Often clients want to use different storage to enable them to see what they keep and have easier access to items.

As much as possible I will ensure your unwanted items are recycled and not just thrown away. Other people will love your unused items.

Getting ready to move?
Let me help you get your house looking its best and help you prepare for the move to your new home.
Spare room full of stuff?
Lets organise it together so there is always room for the unexpected guest.

The initial consultation in your home is usually around 45 minutes and costs £35.
Decluttering sessions are billed at £55 per hour with a minimum of 3 hours per session. Extended sessions will be charged by the hour.

If you just don't know where to start, a helping hand can make this task manageable. We can make a plan together and work in bite size chunks to ensure your home becomes a space you love to be in.